Cami Face

Hey! I’m Cami, From Miami

Cami Face

New Thinking. New Money.

The Real Cami

Hi y’all! I’m Cami from Miami. I’m not from Miami proper, but Cami from South Florida doesn’t sound as good 🤷🏾‍♀️. I am a 22 year-old recent college graduate from Rice University who majored in Managerial Studies and Political Science. I come from a low income background and had the goal of graduating from college debt-free.

My savings journey took me way beyond my initial goal. I saved at least $10,000 per year in my three and a half years of university. And I was even able to buy an investment property right out of college.

This didn’t happen without lots of trial and error. I self-taught myself how to acquire, grow, and invest money while working a 45 hour work-week and taking a full “Ivy-league level” course-load. And now I want to help other people like me, with limited to no access to finance education, surpass their own financial goals and achieve the BIG goal: financial freedom. If I can do it with no car, in a new city, in the midst of a pandemic, anyone can do it. For these reasons and many more, I have created my first personal finance guide: The $10K Challenge. A relatable personal finance guide made by a Black woman for Black girls, Black women (especially of the trans experience), Black femmes, Black non-binary and all of our avid supporters who are navigating college and new adulthood.

I want to make saving your first $10,000 or your next $10,000 as fun and impactful as possible. I also do the work right alongside you so you never feel alone at any point in your saving journey. My team and I have also established spaces on social media (@the10kcrew) to provide that community support we all so need.


The $10K Challenge

I created the $10K Challenge to support Black girls, Black women (especially of the trans experience), Black femmes, Black non-binary and all of our avid supporters save their first $10,000. I have love for all BIPOC women. In this series, I’m starting with and centering around the people who’ve raised me.

Anyone who takes on the $10K Challenge will automatically be part of the $10K Crew and will have access to the love and support of other growth mindset oriented women supporting them on this financial journey to not only succeed, but surpass the $10K Challenge and continue the wealth building journey. $10K Crew is family and our family is forever.

10k Link

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